Energizing Business
in Bonnyville

Growing, Networking & Advocating for Businesses in Bonnyville since 1948.

Find out how we support businesses & non-profits in our region.

What kind of business are you?

See how the Bonnyville Chamber helps your style of business. The Bonnyville & District Chamber of Commerce has programs and benefits to support all types of organizations in our region.

Click on your type of business below to learn more.

Investing in your local chamber is investing in your business.

Not only is the Bonnyville Chamber the voice of business in our region, we also offer one of the most powerful marketing tools available to businesses, networking.


Membership Benefits & Discounts

You can sign-up to receive the same style of health benefits, insurance and shipping discounts that large businesses receive. 

Find this and more member-to-member exclusive discounts

Marketing & Networking

Did you know that nearly 70% of people hire companies they networked with?

Networking is a key to our infrastructure as a chamber. We help encourage powerful new relationships, networking & marketing opportunities.

4c Chambers Plan Employee Benefits

Exclusive Group Benefits for Chamber Members

More than 30,000 small to midsize businesses choose Chambers Plan to protect their employees with comprehensive group benefits. It's built for chamber members with 1-50 employees, including self-employed entrepreneurs, home-based businesses and farms.



The Bonnyville Chamber looks over existing and proposed municipal, provincial and federal government policies which impact our business community.


Bonnyville Chamber-Led Initiatives

The Bonnyville & District Chamber of Commerce is well known for putting on some of the biggest events in the Lakeland. We're proud to showcase some of our key initiatives and events.


Festival of Trees


Canada Day


Upcoming Events

See a full list of our upcoming networking events, training, seminars, webinars and more!  See a full list here, click to see our events calendar.

Want to stay informed about business in Bonnyville?

If you’re not ready to become a member but still want to stay informed about upcoming events, our avocation efforts and promotions, sign-up below.

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Latest News

Press releases, statements, important announcements and active key advocating points for business. See what we are actively working on at the chamber.

Welcome to our brand new website! Stay tuned as we're curate some useful articles for the Bonnyville Business Community.

Shop Local - online!

Get unique gift ideas and see what our local retailers and local businesses have to offer.

Member Spotlight

Helping our members is the core of what we do. We want to showcase/highlight some of our members and their stories.

What our members are saying

Our Corporate Sponsors

We know our Corporate Members are leaders in our community, and we appreciate their commitment and investment by offering special benefits back to them.

Platinum Members
Gold Members
Silver Members